the biggest influence to my change is definitely uni. i can't imagine how life would be if i didn't attend UWS.
UWS hadn't been my first choice (big surprise there). my first choice had been SCA. what you may not know is, despite my seemingly low results and UAI, SCA tripped over it's own shoe laces, hit itself over the head and generously offered me an interview. it was my one chance to present my portfolio and prove my worthiness to them.
unfortunately, i let my self esteem (which was as low as my results) get the best of me.. and i gave up on the interview. i remember sitting at home, watching the clock as the time for the interview arrived and went, along with my chances of attending SCA.
probably not one of my wisest decisions to date.. but that decision has made me who i am today. looking back at everything that has happened this year.. the people i've met, the relationships that formed, the new experiences and interests.. i can honestly say i do not regret not going to that interview.
UWS may not be some top shot uni, but for now.. it's good enough.

...while i'm at it, to all the friends i've made this year - love you all (: